Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Over The Top

...and me without a picture. I guess I should have been thinking ahead and taken a camera.

Kroger had a promotion this week that they called "Meat Mania". It starts today and lasts a week. One of the items in the flier was Chicken (in 10 pound packages) for 39 cents a pound.

I went to one Kroger and cleaned out the meat case (80 pounds). I also grabbed 4 pounds of Oscar Meyer Salami.

I then drove to the other side of town where there is another Kroger. I found the case but there was only a single 10 pound package so I took a trip to the meat counter.

"Do you have any more 10 pound bags of Chicken?" I asked. "We should have more in the back, how much do you need?"

"How about 15 packages"

"Those are 10 pound packages! Are you sure you want 15 more of them?"

I grinned and shook my head. 16 minutes later I was helping the ACO folks stock 254 pounds of meat on their shelves (the chicken came in 40 pound cases so I got 4 of those plus the bag I already had in my cart). I need to update the totals but I'm pretty sure this puts me over 1000.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yelling In A Vaccume

I've been doing 1000 pounds of meat for many months but at this point in time I have one (count it one) follower. I get that this is one of those "they keep trying to get into my pockets and make me spend my money" things that are awkward in life, but so is Bike MS and they have thousands of participants.

I need a new plan. I need to up the ante. I need suggestions.

Tell me what you think a body should do to motiviate folks to follow the 1k of meat effort (and maybe even participate)...